Sunday 6 July 2014

Photoshoot, Pregnancy and Birthday Bub.

This is a collection of 2 photo shoots. The first set is a pre pregnancy photo shoot that I did for a friend of mine whom was due in a month or so (Ironically she had the baby the next week) The setting was at our local beach along the clifftops. It was all her choice, I wanted them to direct what they wanted the photo's as and I would attempt to capture them as they wished. That's generally how I like to photograph, according to the models wishes and attempt to capture and visualize the meaning of it. The photo's have been edited into a sepia tone. Other than that these are clean cut natural photo's from the scene and setting.

The next set were taken about a year later but instead the model is now the little bundle that came into the world known as Cleopatra. Gorgeous and full of spirit, charming and intelligent for her age, inquisitive and active. The setting for this shoot was at a botanical garden where we traversed around whilst Mum got to pick area's that she seemed to like and want to see. Much the same as before I am the medium for the wishes of the models they state what they want and how they want it and I go about trying to achieve it beautifully for them. Unlike the couple shoot these ones have not been edited in anyway at all. It's natural lighting and setting that I was lucky enough to capture on a beautiful day in a beautiful place with a stunning little bub.

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