Wednesday 16 October 2013

Working through Project

So I went away for the weekend to clear my head a little bit. Somewhat worked still a bit befuddled and headcase but I'm determined to finish this.
Whilst I was away I thought of how I could create another piece that had the same basis as the first one. Many Idea ran through my head. Particularly looking up things related to prisons. What struck out most to me was barbed wire and chains. Connects with the idea of discipline and punish. So I searched images of barbed wire and chains.

I began by drawing a few barbed wire idea's. An idea that hit me when I saw the tatto designs was that I could possibly draw these on my student model and take photo's. I also though about a rusty tools experiment I did when I was in high school.
 practicing on myself

practicing on myself

 Satin fabric soaking in vinegar

 chain soaking in vinager

Rusty chain on satin fabric

Practicing on myself

 Vinegar, chain and satin fabric for experiment

 drawing barbed wire losse sketches

Going off the prison idea I looked up chains and barbed wire images. Came across some rusty artwork as well as macro photo. One interesting thing I found was a tattoo design. An idea struck that I could draw along my chosen student barbed wire tattoo looking things. Another idea was to soak some chains in vinegar on a cloth and achieve a rusty tool image. Otherwise im going to try some freelance sketching drawing on paper.
One art piece I am trying to create is a rusty tool on fabric technique.  It is silk in vinegar place it in a plastic bag to soak and soak the tool in vinegar as well. After it has soaked place the tool on the fabric leaving plastic bag open as it allows air in which helps with oxidation then put a heavy object on top to press tool into material leave it for 48-72 hours and check it. My rusty tool chosen was small lengthy chain and an ivory satin fabric.
The tattoo idea I practiced drawing on myself first. Do not start with a thick text first, start small and add thicker as you near completion as it kinda bleeds out and becomes blurry. The student i initially took photographs of is my model for this and she will be photographed with the wired tattoos on her body with her school uniform. The tattoos will hopefully run down her arms into her palms and possibly draw some along her collarbone.

A later idea that I could write on her fists like prisoners have tattoos of pain and punish family etc. 


Took many more photo's than this, portraits, full scale, close up's etc. These were just the more pronounced ones of the lot.
*Due to internet being cut I have to use my phone which is costing me greatly and very slow with uploads.
The Image I like the most is the close up shot of the student holding chains, within it you can see the school uniform, the tattoos, the ribbon on her wrist (A connection with my satin project if it works) and the chain I have gotten her to hold. Which are the key themes I want the image to have. As I already have a piece of the student alone I wasn't concerned too much about getting her face or full scale body involved.

The satin on silk project. Unfortunately did not come out as I had hoped but it did come out somewhat. You can slightly see bits of chains and there is definite rust staining the material. Probably need to use an actual rusted chain instead of one that wasn't. Despite this I still like the effect of rust staining the delicate satin material.

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