Thursday 25 July 2013

3 Dimensional Art

3 dimension is having or seeming to have length, breadth, and height, which gives it a physical solid real look. 3-D art comes in many forms such as video games, video's, movies, images. Really there is no limit. Movies such as Toy Story 3, or games such as Tomb Raider and many others are example of 3-D art that have produced well. 

These are generally created using computer software such as Cheetah3D for beginning/intermediate mac users of the Apple software, Electric Image Animation System (EIAS3D) is a 3D animation and rendering package available on both Mac OS X and Windows. The popular film Pirates of the Caribbean and the television series Lost used the software.
A way of using 3-d art could be to take a photo of someone and using software transform it? Maybe. Or taking a panaramic photo of an area and using software turn it into a small globe that you can view on a cumputer where you can move the globe to look at the different scene of it. 

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