Thursday 15 August 2013

Art Movements/Styles

These are just a few of the art movements that interest me, either the way they are defined or the way they are created in this definition. I wanted to look up art movements to further help me decide in how to do my interpretation piece.

Assemblage or otherwise known as Collage. It is a final abstract composition using different mediums or tools of art to create it. It's use in sculpture is shown by Louisse Nevelson's sculpture which is a use of assembled objects. Picasso cut and pasted materials to a painted or sometimes unpainted surface, sometimes these materials would be natural or manufactured.
My interpretation of Assemblage/Collage would be to either group together an assortment of images. For example I created a collage of photo's of my friends to hang in my room. In sculpture wise I could gather an assortment of pens and create a large scale re-creation of a pen.
Looking at Picasso and Loiusse however broadens my idea's into which I feel I could try a different creative perspective. The idea is to create an image/object of different materials, keeping in mind an abstract nature for the art piece.

Expressionism was a 20th Century art movement stressing the expression of emotion and the artists inner vision instead of the exact representation of nature. Normally it composes of distorted lines and shapes with exaggerated colours for an emotional impact. One artist in this movement would Vincent Van Gogh, his paintings are rather interesting and use of colours leaves the viewer in a questioning state.
My interpretation of this movement is that it is a painting that doesn't restrict itself in it's subject for its primary focus of expression, it can be represented not just as a portrait of a person but even in a vast scene of landscape so long as the composition is of distortion and shapes, with exaggerated colours.
I could using my electronic media of a digital camera could take a portrait of a friend or even of a landscape and using the filters on photoshop "Distorted lines" to enact this vision apply another filter of gradient and specify certain colours to create a piece of Expressionism.

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