Thursday 1 August 2013


Vintage is a style I have immersed myself in. The colours, the high quality in an old fashioned way, like a history of style, photography, fashion, art etc.To me vintage is considered between the years of early 19th century to roughly about 1940 or 50, before "flower power" fashion came into being. The bright vivid colours that clashed against one another does not inspire or interest me, in fact everytime I see some combination (Besides Pop Art) of the "flower power" era I am more inclined to turn away.

The above image is a vintage one due to the diluted colours into a more sepia tone. It's sleek and subdued colours give it the 'vintage' look I desire. Not to mention the use of an old fashioned camera references that vintage desire. TO achieve a vintage look in photography I like to use the contrast change of turning an original image and transform it into a sepia tone. Sometimes I use black and white but alas I feel that is more inclined to the classical 18th century where their camera's only did take black and white photo's. Sepia was the slight colour gradual shift in technology before they discovered/created the way to take colourful photo's.
The 3 selected images are of my own collection when I did a photoshoot of a couple before she was due to give birth to their baby. Anyway the point I chose them was to show the contrasting differences between the three and how I classify each to a certain style era etc. The first one is a more contemporary colourful image taken with a digital camera, you can see the colours clearly and brightly with detail to show. The next image was edited using a contrast technique and applying a tonal change to sepia, sepia - a reddish brown colour, this has effectively given it a quintessential feel for he original image transforming it into a more vintage representation. The final image the was again edited using a photographic technic of applying a black and white tonal filter change, this has given it the more classical look but due to the surrounding environment and brightness of the sun does not successfully portray the classic old fashioned image of black and white photography.

I'm interested in doing a series of works that take every day normal photo's using the contemporary digital camera and editing them into a more vintage style to represent the early 19th century. The subjects could range from any number of things, such as classic Australian icons that are popular to this day ( Vegemite, Beer, Esky, Tool box, Clothes line etc) or contemporary hobbies and activities like going to the beach, riding a motorbike (Preferably dirtbike) Or even just siting at a computer, laptop playing games, playing with a digital electronic device the possibilities are endless. Using photo editing though I'll apply a bit of contrast and change the tone to sepia to visualize the vintage look and create a contemporary image to reinterpret an earlier century. Or to re-interpret it again I could take a photo of a classical vintage image and apply a editor that brings colour back into it. Or could just re-create the scene in modernization and leave it in digital colour and put the photo's next to eachother to show the difference in visualization.

I have researched 'culture' of the 1920's to represent my vintage idea, during the 1920's it was post world war 1 and there was a feeling of celebration. 
1920 Culture

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