Thursday 8 August 2013

Ryan Trecartin

Holy guacamole. This guy is out there and weird. Trying to portray young adolescences in a way that society mostly perceives them as mostly none informant and waste of annoying time and resources. They hardly contribute anything useful in terms of art and intellect as they are self focused with their looks, personality, characteristics and how they portray themselves. Unfortunately this message seems to be mistaken as they think they are interesting, mature and highly intelligent with opinion that they believe have more input than what they actually do. Ryan captures this in a creative way of video's, His voice is pitched when he speaks as a girl into an annoying high tonal of Valley girl accent.  He overemphasizes the use of make up by painting his face in vibrant bright colours which informs us that girls at such a young age are wearing too much make up and this is how they really look, annoying and immature unable to grasp the concept of too much. This is a  response to his video I-be-Area.

Overall as an artist he tries to portray many different characters using dialects and accents with the use of paint face make up and wigs. Initially within these videos is a 'compu-pop poetry' which is a brief way of understanding their 'Chronic-over existence'.

Visually his camera isn't a set tripod or anything, it's hand held and this is seen through the jumpy scenes and constant movement we see in the frame not just from the characters but the background as well. This actually works well with the image he's attempting you know, these young females are so focused on themselves they cant even learn how to establish a well set video by having a tripod so the scenes aren't jumpy and erratic.

This is interesting in a way where I could try and think of a perspective on what to do with my art. What is the main purpose of mine? Is it like Ryan to send out a message of backward thinking materialistic teenagers who provide nothing informant in the digital media exploration? Vintage for example, a message I could portray in my artwork is to re-invent the image of vintage using contemporary items such as the recent fashions, current hobbies etc and apply my Photoshop skills and create a vintage image of something current. 

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